
Se alle afhandlinger på Aalborg Universitets hjemmeside:


S. Storm, Thorshavn, Færøerne: Udvikling af et redskab til stemme-assesment i arbejdet med psykiatriske patienter.


Carola Maack:
Outcomes and processes of the Bunny Method of Guidede Imagery and Music and its adaptions and psychodynamic Imaginative Trauma Therapy for women with complex PTSD.

Afhandlingen kan downloades via AAU's hjemmeside om PhD Theses in Music Therapy.


 Helen Odell-Miller:
The practice of music therapy for adults with mental health problems: the relationship between diagnosis and clinical method

Afhandlingen kan downloades via AAU's hjemmeside om PhD Theses in Music Therapy.

Inge Nygaard-Pedersen:
Counter transference in music therapy. A phenomenological study on counter-transference used as a clinical concept by music therapists working with musical improvisation in adult psychiatry

Afhandlingen kan downloades via AAU's hjemmeside om PhD Theses in Music Therapy.

Randi Rolvsjord:
"Blackbirds singing": An Explorational study of resource-oriented music therapy in mental health care

Afhandlingen kan downloades via AAU's hjemmeside om PhD Theses in Music Therapy.


De Backer, Jos:
Music and Psychosis - the Transition from Sensorial Play to Musical form by psychotic Patients in a Music Therapeutic Process

Afhandlingen kan downloades via AAU's hjemmeside om PhD Theses in Music Therapy.


H.M. Ochsner Ridder, Århus:
Musikterapi inden for demens-behandling

Afhandlingen kan downloades via AAU's hjemmeside om PhD Theses in Music Therapy.


 U. Holck, Aalborg:
Kontaktmønstre i musikalsk interaktion med børn med svag eller forstyrret kontakt til omverdenen

Afhandlingen kan downloades via AAU's hjemmeside om PhDTheses in Music Therapy.


 N. Hannibal, Aalborg:
Præverbal overføring i den musikalske interaktion.

T. Moe, Roskilde:
Receptiv gruppemusikterapi med skizofrene.