Forskningsprogram i affektive lidelser

Vedrører stemningssindslidelser med forskellige former for depressive og/eller maniske symptomer. Fokus på ætiologi, forløb (herunder prognose), behandling og diagnostik samt psykometri. 

Forskningsprogrammet er etableret 1. januar 2016. Seneste opdatering 18. marts 2024.

Forskningen retter sig mod forskellige aspekter af affektive lidelser (stemningssindslidelser karakteriseret af forskellige former for depressive og/eller maniske symptomer), især vedrørende ætiologi, forløb (herunder prognose), behandling og diagnostik, samt psykometri. Udover udarbejdelse af originalarbejder rummer aktiviteterne udarbejdelse af oversigtsarbejder (herunder videnskabelige kommentarer) og medvirken i udarbejdelse af diverse nationale og internationale retningslinier vedrørende behandling.

Programmet fokuserer på klinisk forskning i bred forstand, herunder også nationale registerprojekter. Deltagere i forsøg rekrutteres fra forskellige settings. 


Professor Rasmus W. Licht ( og professor René Ernst Nielsen (

Rasmus W. Licht er speciallæge i psykiatri og har siden 1. januar 2013 været professor og forskningschef ved Aalborg Universitet og Aalborg Universitetshospital, Psykiatrien. Forud har han i en årrække været specialeansvarlig overlæge i psykofarmakologi, leder af Forskningsafdeling for Affektive Lidelser og leder af Specialklinik for Bipolare Lidelser ved Aarhus Universitetshospital, Risskov. I samme periode var han lektor i psykiatri og i klinisk farmakologi ved Aarhus Universitet. Hans ekspertområde er psykopatologi, klinisk psykofarmakologi og klinisk epidemiologi med hovedvægt på de affektive lidelser. Rasmus W. Licht fik i 1999 ph.d.-graden på en afhandling om behandling af mani. Han har publiceret adskillige originalarbejder, oversigtsartikler samt lærebogskapitler, såvel nationalt som internationalt. Han har været og er aktivt medvirkende i udarbejdelsen af nationale og internationale retningslinier for behandling af affektive lidelser.

René Ernst Nielsen er speciallæge i psykiatri og har siden 2020 været professor ved Aalborg Universitet og Aalborg Universitetshospital. Hans primære forskningsinteresser er registerbaseret forskning i mortalitet og morbiditet ved svær psykiatrisk sygdom, samt forskning i affektive sindslidelser. Han fungerer som vejleder for flere projekter under forskningsprogrammerne Affektive Sindslidelser og Mortalitet og Morbiditet ved Svær Psykiatrisk Sygdom. Ved siden af sine forskningsmæssige aktiviteter arbejder René Ernst Nielsen klinisk som overlæge og leder af Enhed for bipolar lidelse i Psykiatrien, Region Nordjylland og varetager funktionen som assisterende redaktør på Nordic Journal of Psychiatry og BMC Psychiatry, ligesom han sidder i Editorial Board for Bipolar Disorders og International Journal of Bipolar Disorders. René Ernst Nielsen er nuværende præsident for International Group for the Study of Lithium.



Vejledning på alle niveauer, inklusive ph.d.-niveau og i alle projektfaser fra idéfase til manuskriptfase.

For nuværende vejledes to ph.d.-studerende under programmet.



Internationalt: International Group for the Study of Lithium (IGSLi – med deltagelse af professor Michael Bauer, Dresden, professor Paul Grof, Ottawa, professor Ralph Kupka, professor Christoph Correll, New York, professor Heinz Grunze, Salzburg, professor John Geddes, Oxford, professor Alexander Sartorius, Heidelberg, professor Swaran Singh, London.

Nationalt: Danish University Antidepressant Group og Kompetencecenter for Affektive Lidelser, København. Herudover medarbejdere ved Aalborg Universitetshospital, Psykiatrien og ved Klinik Nord, Regionpsykiatrien Nord. Se i øvrigt de enkelte projekter.


Igangværende projekter

Eksponering for sollys og risiko for bipolar lidelse

Projektleder: M. Bauer (Dresden)

Kontaktperson: René Ernst Nielsen

Øvrige deltagere: Rasmus W. Licht m.fl.

Projektbeskrivelse: Formålet er at undersøge om der er sammenhæng mellem lysintensiteten på fødselstidspunktet og risikoen for bipolar lidelse. Data består af informationer fra spørgeskemaer.

Klinisk forankring i Region Nordjylland: Ambulatorium for bipolar lidelse, Aalborg Universitetshospital.

Projektstatus: Dataindsamling er afsluttet og analyse er påbegyndt for nuværende fase.

  1. Publikationsstatus: Michael Bauer m.fl. Solar insolation in springtime influences age of onset of bipolar I disorder: Accepted for publication. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica.


DUAG-9: Sammenligning af lithium og cariprazin ved behandling af depressiv episode hos patienter med bipolar lidelse.

Projektleder: Sanne Hovgesen (Aalborg).

Kontaktperson: René Ernst Nielsen og Rasmus Licht

Øvrige deltagere: Maj Vinberg (København), Lars Vedel Kessing (København), Klaus Martiny (København), Povl Videbech (Glostrup), Kamilla Miskowiak (København).

Projektbeskrivelse: Undersøge effekt af lithium på depressive symptomer hos patienter med bipolar lidelse

Klinisk forankring i Region Nordjylland: En del af patienterne er diagnosticerede og behandlede ved Aalborg Universitetshospital, Psykiatrien.

Projektstatus: Inklusion påbegyndt

Publikationsstatus: Ikke påbegyndt


Algoritme-baseret behandling af depression

Projektleder: Marton Asztalos.

Kontaktperson: René Ernst Nielsen

Øvrige deltagere: Deni Rkman

Projektbeskrivelse: Systematisk review af evidens for algoritme-baseret behandling af unipolar depression

Projektstatus: Dataindsamling påbegyndt

Publikationsstatus: Ikke påbegyndt


Biomarkører for multiple sklerose, parksinsons sygdom, amyotrofisk lateral sklerose og depression.

Projektleder: Michael Trabjerg

Kontaktperson: René Ernst Nielsen og Rasmus Licht

Øvrige deltagere: John Dirk Nieland, Claudia Christina Pfleger

Projektbeskrivelse: Undersøge forekomst af autoantistoffer ved benævnte tilstande

Klinisk forankring i Region Nordjylland: En del af patienterne er diagnosticerede og behandlede ved Aalborg Universitetshospital, Psykiatrien.

Projektstatus: Dataindsamling påbegyndt

Publikationsstatus: Ikke påbegyndt


Kommende projekter

Algoritme-baseret behandling af vanskelig behandlelig depression.

Projektleder: Deni Rkman (Aalborg)

Kontaktperson: René Ernst Nielsen  

Øvrige deltagere:

Projektbeskrivelse: Sammenligne effekt af algoritme-baseret behandling af vanskelig behandlelig depression med specialiseret behandling

Klinisk forankring i Region Nord: Patienter følges på regionsfunktion i Ambulatorium for depression, Aalborg Universitetshospital, Psykiatrien.

Projektstatus: Protokolfase

Publikationsstatus: Ikke påbegyndt



Peer reviewed publikationer

Herunder publikationer fra afsluttede programprojekter) (seneste optrædende sidst)

  1. Rita Bauer*, Jörn Conell*, Tasha Glenn, Martin Alda, Raffaella Ardau, Bernhard T Baune, Robert H Belmaker, Michael Berk, Yuly Bersudsky, Amy Bilderbeck, Alberto Bocchetta, Letizia Bossini, Angela M Paredes Castro, Eric YW Cheung, Caterina Chillotti, Sabine Choppin, Maria Del Zompo, Rodrigo Dias, Seetal Dodd, Anne Duffy, Bruno Etain, Andrea Fagiolini, Miryam Fernández Hernandez, Julie Garnham, John Geddes, Ana Gonzalez-Pinto, Guy Goodwin, Paul Grof, Hirohiko Harima, Stefanie Hassel, Chantal Henry, Diego Hidalgo, Beny Lafer, Erik R Larsen, Ute Lewitzka, Rasmus Licht, Blazej Misiak, Scott Monteith, Rodrigo Munoz, Takako Nakanotani, René E Nielsen, Claire O’Donovan, Yasushi Okamura, Yamima Osher, Andreas Reif, Philipp Ritter, Janusz K Rybakowski, Kemal Sagduyu, Brett Sawchuk, Elon Schwartz, Ângela M Scippa, Claire Slaney, Ahmad H Sulaiman, Kirsi Suominen, Aleksandra Suwalska, Peter Tam, Yoshitaka Tatebayashi, Leonardo Tondo, Eduard Vieta, Maj Vinberg, Biju Viswanath, Julia Volkert, Mark Zetin, Peter C Whybrow, Michael Bauer. Internet use by patients with bipolar disorder: results from an international multisite survey. Psychiatry Res 2016 Aug 30;242: 388-94
  2. J Holmskov, RW Licht, K Andersen, TB Stage, FM Nilsson, KB Stage, JB Valentin, P Bech, RE Nielsen. Diagnostic conversion to bipolar disorder in unipolar depressed patients participating in trials of antidepressants. Eur Psychiatry 2016 Dec 16; 40:76-81
  3. J Conell, R Bauer, T Glenn, M Alda, R Ardau, BT Baune, M Berk, Y Bersudsky, A Bilderbeck, A Bocchetta, L Bossini, AM Paredes Castro, EY Wo Cheung, C Chillotti, S Choppin, M Del Zompo, R Dias, S Dodd, A Duy, B Etain, A Fagiolini, J Garnham, J Geddes, J Gildebro, A Gonzalez‑Pinto, GM Goodwin, P Grof, H Harima, S Hassel, C Henry, D Hidalgo‑Mazzei, V Kapur, G Kunigiri, B Lafer, C Lam, ER Larsen, U Lewitzka, RW Licht, AH Lund, B Misiak, P Piotrowski, S Monteith, R Munoz, T Nakanotani, RE Nielsen, C O’Donovan, Y Okamura, Y Osher, A Reif, P Ritter, JK Rybakowski, K Sagduyu, B Sawchuk, E Schwartz, ÂM Scippa, C Slaney, AH Sulaiman, K Suominen, A Suwalska, P Tam, Y Tatebayashi, L Tondo, E Vieta, M Vinberg, B Viswanath, J Volkert, M Zetin, I Zorrilla, PC Whybrow and M Bauer. Online information seeking by patients with bipolar disorder: results from an international multisite survey. Int J Bipolar Disord 2016 Dec;4(1):17
  4. Commentary: Nielsen RE, Licht RW: Adverse events associated with mood stabiliser treatment should be continuously monitored in patients diagnosed with bipolar affective disorder. Evid-Based Med 2017 Apr; 22(2): 74-75 Published Online First: 02 March 2017
  5. Bauer R*, Conell J*, Glenn T, Alda M, Ardau R, Baune BT, Belmaker RH, Berk M, Bersudsky Y, Bilderbeck A, Bocchetta A, Bossini L, Paredes Castro AM, Wo Cheung EY, Chillotti C, Choppin S, Del Zompo M, Dias R, Dodd S, Duffy A, Etain B, Fagiolini A, Hernandez MF, Garnham J, Geddes J, Gonzalez-Pinto A, Goodwin GM, Grof P, Harima H, Hassel S, Henry C, Hidalgo D, Lafer B, Larsen ER, Lewitzka U, Licht RW, Misiak B, Monteith S, Munoz R, Nakanotani T, Nielsen RE, O’Donovan C, Okamura Y, Osher Y, Reif A, Ritter P, Rybakowski JK, Sagduyu K, Sawchuk K, Schwartz E, Scippa AM, Slaney C, Sulaiman AH, Suominen K, Suwalska A, Tam P, Tatebayashi Y, Tondo L, Vieta E, Vinberg M, Viswanath B, Volkert J, Zetin M, Whybrow PC, Bauer M: International multi-site survey on the use of online support groups in bipolar disorder. Nord J Psychiatry 2017 Aug; 71(6): 473-476
  6. Bauer M, Glenn T, Alda M, Aleksandrovich MA, Andreassen OA, Angelopoulos E, Ardau R, Baethge C, Bauer R, Baune BT, Becerra C, Bellivier F, Belmaker RH, Berk M, Bersudsky Y, Birabwa-Oketcho H, Bjella TD, Bossini L, Cabrera J, Del Zompo M, Dodd S, Donix M, Etain B, Ezer S, Fagiolini A, Fountoulakis KN, Frye MA, Gonzalez-Pinto A, Gottlieb JF, Grof P, Harima H, Henry C, Isometsä ET, Janno S, Kapczinski F, Kardell M, Khaldi S, Kliwicki S, König B, Kot TL, Krogh R, Kunz M, Lafer B, Landen M, Larsen ER, Lewitzka U, Licht RW, Lopez-Jaramillo C, MacQueen G, Manchia M, Marsh W, Martinez-Cengotitabengoa M, Melle I, Ursúa FM, Ming MY, Monteith S, Morken G, Mosca E, Munoz R, Nadella RK, Nery FG, Nielsen RE, O'Donovan C, Olofsson H, Omrani A, Osher Y, Sørensen HØ, Ouali U, Ruiz YP, Pilhatsch M, Pinna M, Quiroz D, Rabelo D, Ram B, Ramesar R, Rasgon N, Reddy MS, Reif A, Ritter P, Rybakowski JK, Sagduyu K, Scippa AM, Severus E, Simhandl C, Stein DJ, Strejilevich S, Subramaniam M, Sulaiman AH, Suominen K, Tagata H, Tatebayashi Y, Tondo L, Torrent C, Veeh J, Vieta E, Vijay S, Viswanath B, Wo Cheung EY, Yoldi M, Zetin M, Zgueb Y, Whybrow PC. Solar insolation in springtime influences age of onset of bipolar I disorder. Acta Psychiatr Scand 2017 Dec; 136(6):571-582
  7. Kessing LV, Feldt-Rasmussen B, Andersen PK, Gerds TA, Licht RW. Continuation of lithium after a diagnosis of chronic kidney disease. Acta Psychiatr Scand 2017; 136(6): 615-622
  8. RE Nielsen, LV Kessing, WA Nolen, RW Licht: Lithium and renal impairment: a review on a still hot topic. Pharmacopsychiatry 2018 Sept; 51(5) 200-205
  9. PK Ellegaard, RW Licht, HE Poulsen, RE Nielsen, M Berk, OM Dean, M Hohebbi, CT Nielsen. Add-on treatment of N-acetylcysteine for bipolar depression: a 24-week randomized double-blind parallel group placebo-controlled multicentre trial. Int J Bipolar Disord 2018 Apr 5; 6(1):11
  10. M Asztalos, P Matzen, RW Licht, KB Hessellund, A Sartorius, RE Nielsen. Delaying initiation of electroconvulsive treatment after administration of the anaesthetic agent and muscle relaxant reduces the necessity of re-stimulation. Nord J Psychiatry 2018 Jul;72(5):341-346
  11. Grunze H, Vieta E, Goodwin GM, Bowden C, Licht RW, Azorin J-M, Yatham L, Mosolov S, Möller H-J, Kasper S; Members of the WFSBP Task Force on Bipolar Affective Disorders working on this topic. The World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP) Guidelines for the Biological Treatment of Bipolar Disorders: Acute and long-term treatment of mixed states in bipolar disorder. World J Biol Psychiatry 2018; 19 (1): 2-58
  12. Letter: SD Østergaard, RE Nielsen, O Mors, RW Licht. Problematic Definitions of Bipolar I Disorder and Mixed Episode in the upcoming ICD-11. Acta Psychiatr Scand 2018 Oct; 138(4):361-362
  13. PS Hansen, MF Laursen, S Grøntved, SP Straszek, RW Licht, RE Nielsen. Increasing mortality gap for patients diagnosed with bipolar disorder – a nationwide study with twenty years of follow-up. Bipolar Disord 2019; 21 (3): 270-275
  14. Bauer R, Glenn T, Strejilevich S, Conell J, Alda M, Ardau R, Baune BT, Berk M, Bersudsky Y, Bilderbeck A, Bocchetta A, Bossini L, Paredes Castro AM, YW Cheung E, Chillotti C, Choppin S, Del Zompo M, Dias R, Dodd S, Duffy A, Etain B, Fagiolini A, Fernández Hernandez M, Garnham J, Geddes J, Gildebro J, Gonzalez-Pinto A, Goodwin GM, Grof P, Harima H, Hassel S, Henry C, Hidalgo-Mazzei D, Kapur V, Kunigiri G, Lafer B, Larsen ER, Lewitzka U, Licht RW, Lund AH, Misiak B, Piotrowski P, Monteith S, Munoz R, Nakanotani T, Nielsen RE, O’Donovan C, Okamura Y, Osher Y, Reif A, Ritter P, Rybakowski JK, Sagduyu K, Sawchuk B, Schwartz E, Scippa AM, Slaney C, Sulaiman AH, Suominen K, Suwalska A, Tam P, Tatebayashi Y, Tondo L, Vieta E, Vinberg M, Viswanath B, Volkert J, Zetin M, Whybrow PC, Bauer M. Internet use by older adults with bipolar disorder: international survey results. Int J Bipolar Disord. 2018 Sep 4;6(1):20
  15. Debate: RE Nielsen, RW Licht. Could we do more? Bipolar Disord 2018 Dec; 20(8): 683-684
  16. PK Ellegaard, RW Licht, RE Nielsen, OM Dean, M Berk, HE Poulsen, M Hohebbi, CT Nielsen. The efficacy of adjunctive N-acetylcysteine in acute bipolar depression: a randomized placebo-controlled study.Affect Disord 2019; 245: 1043-1051
  17. LH Lomholt, DV Andersen, C Sejrsgaard-Jacobsen, CM Øzdemir, C Graff, O Schjerning, SPV Straszek, RW Licht, S Grøntved, RE Nielsen. Mortality rate trends in patients diagnosed with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder – a nationwide study with twenty years of follow-up. Int J Bipolar Disord 2019; 7: 6
  18. Bauer M, Glenn T, Alda M, Andreassen OA, Angelopoulos E, Ardau R, Ayhan Y, Baethge C, Bharathram SR, Bauer R, Baune BT, Becerra-Palars C, Bellivier F, Belmaker RH, Berk M, Bersudsky Y, Bicakci Ş, Birabwa-Oketcho H, Bjella TD, Cabrera J, Cheung EYW, Del Zompo M, Dodd S, Donix M, Etain B, Fagiolini A, Fountoulakis KN, Frye MA, Gonzalez-Pinto A, Gottlieb JF, Grof P, Harima H, Henry C, Isometsä ET, Janno S, Kapczinski F, Kardell M, Khaldi S, Kliwicki S, König B, Kot TL, Krogh R, Kunz M, Lafer B, Landén M, Larsen ER, Lewitzka U, Licht RW, Lopez-Jaramillo C, MacQueen G, Manchia M, Marsh W, Martinez-Cengotitabengoa M, Melle I, Meza-Urzúa F, Yee Ming M, Monteith S, Morken G, Mosca E, Mozzhegorov AA, Munoz R, Mythri SV, Nacef F, Nadella RK, Nery FG, Nielsen RE, O'Donovan C, Omrani A, Osher Y, Østermark Sørensen H, Ouali U, Pica Ruiz Y, Pilhatsch M, Pinna M, da Ponte FDR, Quiroz D, Ramesar R, Rasgon N, Reddy MS, Reif A, Ritter P, Rybakowski JK, Sagduyu K, Scippa ÂM, Severus E, Simhandl C, Stackhouse PW Jr., Stein DJ, Strejilevich S, Subramaniam M, Sulaiman AH, Suominen K, Tagata H, Tatebayashi Y, Tondo L, Torrent C, Vaaler AE, Veeh J, Vieta E, Viswanath B, Yoldi-Negrete M, Zetin M, Zgueb Y, Whybrow PC. Association between solar insolation and a history of suicide attempts in patients with bipolar I disorder. Psychiatr Res 2019; 113: 1-9
  19. RE Nielsen, P Kugathasan, S Straszek, SE Jensen, RW Licht. Why are somatic diseases in bipolar disorder insufficiently treated? Int Bipolar Disord 2019; 7: 2
  20. Laursen MF, Valentin JB, Licht RW, Correll CU, Nielsen RE. Longitudinal outcomes in patients with pediatric- and adult-onset bipolar disorder compared to healthy and schizophrenia controls. Bipolar Disord 2019; 21 (6): 514-524
  21. Nolen WA, Licht RW, Young AH, Malhi GS, Tohen M, Vieta E, Kupka RW, Zarate C, Nielsen RE, Baldessarini R, Severus E, on behalf of the ISBD/IGSLI Task Force on the treatment with lithium. What is the optimal serum level for lithium in the maintenance treatment of bipolar disorder? A systematic review and recommendations from the ISBD/IGSLI Task Force on treatment with lithium. Bipolar Disord 2019; 21 (5): 394-409
  22. Tondo L, Alda M, Bauer M, Bergink V, Grof P, Hajek T, Lewitka U, Licht RW, Manchia M, Müller-Oerlinghausen B, Nielsen RE, Selo M, Simhandl C, Baldessarini R. Clinical Use of Lithium Salts Guide for Users and Prescribers. Int J Bipolar Disord 2019; 22; 7: 16
  23. Larsen ER, Licht RW, Nielsen RE, Lolk, A, Borck B, Sørensen C, Christensen EM, Bizik G, Ravn R, Martiny K, Vinberg M, Jankuviene O, Jørgensen PB, Videbech P, Bech P. Transcranial Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields for Treatment-Resistant Depression: A multicentre eight-week, single-arm cohort study. Eur Psychiatry 2020; 18: 63 (1): 18
  24. Laursen MF, Licht RW, Correll CU, Kallehauge T, Christensen A, Rodrigo-Domingo M, Nielsen RE. Diagnostic stability in children and adolescents with bipolar disorder, a nationwide register-based study. Int J Bipolar Disord 2020; 6: 14
  25. Øvlisen AK, Jakobsen LH, Kragholm KH, Nielsen RE, Hutchings M, Dahl-Sørensen RB, Frederiksen H, Stoltenberg D, Bøgsted M, Østgård LS, Severinsen MT, El-Galaly TC. Depression and Anxiety in Hodgkin Lymphoma Patients: a Danish Nationwide Cohort Study of 945 Patients. Cancer Med 2020; 9 (12): 4395-4404
  26. Murru A, Manchia M, Hajek T, Nielsen RE, Rybakowski JK, Sani G, Schulze TG, Tondo L, Bauer M.Antiviral effects of lithium: a narrative review. Int J Bipolar Disord 2020; 8: 21
  27. Manchia M, Vieta E, Smeland OB, Altimus C, Bechdolf A, Bellivier F, Bergink V, Fagiolini A, Geddes J, Hajek T, Henry C, Kupka R, Lagerberg TV, Licht RW, Martinez-Cengotitabengoa M, Morken G, Nielsen RE, Pinto AG, Reif A, Rietschel M, Ritter P, Schulze TG, Scott J, Severus E, Suwalska A, Yildiz A, Kessing LV, Bauer M, Goodwin GM, Andreassen OA. Translating big data to better treatment in bipolar disorder - a manifesto for coordinated action. Eur Psychopharmacol 2020; 36: 121-136
  28. RE Nielsen, LV Kessing, WA Nolen, RW Licht. Commentary: A skewed perspective – a reply to Kovvuru et al. Bipolar Disord 2021; 23 (1): 86-87
  29. LV Kessing, A González-Pinto, , A Fagiolini, A Bechdolf, A Reif, A Yildiz, B Etain, C Henry, E Severus, E Reininghaus, G Morken, G Goodwin, J Scott, J Geddes, M Rietschel, M Landén, M Manchia, M Bauer, M Martinez-Cengotitabengoa, O Andreassen, P Ritter, R Kupka, RW Licht, RE Nielsen, TG Schulze, T Hajek, TV Lagerberg, V Bergink, E Vieta. DSM-5 and ICD-11 criteria for bipolar disorder: implications for the prevalence of bipolar disorder and validity of the diagnosis – A narrative review from the ECNP Bipolar Disorders Network. Accepted for publication. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol 2021 Feb 1;S0924-977X(21)00113-9. doi: 10.1016/j.euroneuro.2021.01.097. Online ahead of print.
  30. AJ Bjertrup, M Moszkowicz, I Egemose, A Kjærbye-Thygesen, RE Nielsen, CE Parsons, LV Kessing, AK Pagsberg, MS Væver, KW Miskowiak.Processing of infant emotion in mothers with mood disorders and implications for infant development. Accepted for publication. Psychological Medicine. 2021.
  31. MF Laursen, CU Correll, RW Licht, M Rodrigo-Domingo, AK Pagsberg, RE Nielsen. Occurrence and accuracy of a register-based diagnosis of pediatric bipolar disorder: a nationwide cohort study. Accepted for publication. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. 2021.
  32. J Holmskov, RW Licht, K Andersen, FM Nilsson, JB Valentin, KB Stage, RE Nielsen. Clinical predictors of incident somatic morbidity in a sample of depressed patients: a 16-30 years follow-up study. Accepted for publication. The Journal of European Psychiatry. 2021.
  33. JK Knudsen, C Bundgaard-Nielsen, S Hjerrild, RE Nielsen, P Leutscher, S Sørensen. Gut microbiota variations in patients diagnosed with major depressive disorder—A systematic review. Accepted for publication. Brain and Behavior. 2021
  34. S Straszek, RE Nielsen, Z Kovacs, RW Licht. Lithium as a first-step option for acute phase pharmacotherapy of bipolar depression. Accepted for publication. Bipolar Disorders. 2021.
  35. M Bauer, T Glenn, ED Achtyes, M Alda, E Agaoglu, K Altınbaş, OA Andreassen, E Angelopoulos, R Ardau, EA Vares, M Aydin, Y Ayhan, C Baethge, R Bauer, BT Baune, C Balaban, C Becerra-Palars, AP Behere, PB Behere, H Belete, T Belete, GO Belizario, F Bellivier, RH Belmaker, F Benedetti, M Berk, Y Bersudsky, Ş Bicakci, H Birabwa-Oketcho, TD Bjella, C Brady, J Cabrera, M Cappucciati, AMP Castro, W Chen, EW Cheung, S Chiesa, M Crowe, A Cuomo, S Dallaspezia, MD Zompo, P Desai, S Dodd, M Donix, B Etain, A Fagiolini, FT Fellendorf, E Ferensztajn-Rochowiak, JG Fiedorowicz, KN Fountoulakis, MA Frye, PA Geoffroy, A Gonzalez-Pinto, JF Gottlieb, P Grof, BCM Haarman, H Harima, M Hasse-Sousa, C Henry, L Høffding, J Houenou, M Imbesi, ET Isometsä, M Ivkovic, S Janno, S Johnsen, F Kapczinski, GN Karakatsoulis, M Kardell, LV Kessing, SJ Kim, B König, TL Kot, M Koval, M Kunz, B Lafer, M Landén, ER Larsen, M Lenger, U Lewitzka, RW Licht, C Lopez-Jaramillo, A MacKenzie, H Østergaard Madsen, SAMA Madsen, J Mahadevan, A Mahardika, M Manchia, W Marsh, M Martinez-Cengotitabengoa, K Martiny, Y Mashima, DM McLoughlin, Y Meesters, I Melle, F Meza-Urzúa1, MY Ming, S Monteith, M Moorthy, G Morken, E Mosca, AA Mozzhegorov, R Munoz, SV Mythri, F Nacef, RK Nadella, T Nakanotani, RE Nielsen,  C O'Donovan, A Omrani, Y Osher, U Ouali, M Pantovic-Stefanovic5, P Pariwatcharakul, J Petite, A Pfennig,YP Ruiz, M Pilhatsch, M Pinna, M Pompili, R Porter, D Quiroz, FD Rabelo-da-Ponte, R Ramesar, N Rasgon, W Ratta-apha,M Ratzenhofer, M Redahan, MS Reddy, A Reif, EZ Reininghaus, JG Richards, P Ritter, JK Rybakowski, L Sathyaputri, ÂM Scippa, C Simhandl, E Severus, D Smith, J Smith, PW Stackhouse, Jr., DJ Stein, K Stilwell, S Strejilevich, K Su, M Subramaniam, AH Sulaiman, K Suominen, AJ Tanra, Y Tatebayashi, WL Teh, L Tondo, C Torrent, D Tuinstra, T Uchida, AE Vaaler, J Veeh, E Vieta, B Viswanath, M Yoldi-Negrete, OK Yalcinkaya,AH Young, Y Zgueb, PC Whybrow. Variations in seasonal solar insolation are associated with a history of suicide attempts in bipolar I disorder. Accepted for publication. International Journal of Bipolar Disorders. 2021.
  36. Reininghaus EZ, Mancia M, Dalkner N, Bonkat N, Squassina A, , Hodl I, Vieta E, Reif A, Hajek T, Landén M, Correll CU, Scott J, Etain B, Rietschel M, Bergink V, Martinez-Centotitabengoa M, Kessing LV, Fagiolini A, Bauer M, Goodwin G, Gonzalez-Pinto A, Kupka RW, Schulze TG, Lagerberg TV, Yildiz A, Chantal H, Morken G, Ritter P, RE Nielsen, RW Licht, Bechdolf A, Andreassen OA, Fellendorf FT. Outcomes associated with different vaccines in individuals with bipolar disorder and impact on the current COVID-19 pandemic- a systematic review. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2021.
  37. A Bjertrup, J Macoveanu, H Laurent, M Moskowicz, MK Finnegan, I Egmose, PM Fisher, RE Nielsen, AK Pagsberg, LV Kessing, M Væver, KW Miskowiak. Reduced prefrontal cortex response to own vs. unknown emotional infant faces in mothers with bipolar disorder. Accepted for publication. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2021.
  38. J Knudsen, TY Michaelsen, C Bundgaard-Nielsen, RE Nielsen, S Hjerrild, P Leutscher, G Wegener, S Sørensen. Faecal microbiota transplantation from patients with depression or healthy individuals into rats modulates mood-related behaviour. Scientific Reports. Nov. 2021, I: 11, 1, 21869.
  39. Psychotropic drug use in Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) and Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS): a Danish Nationwide Matched Cohort Study of 2,404 AML and 1,307 MDS Patients. OJ Jensen, AK Øvlisen, LH Jakobsen, AS Roug, RE Nielsen, CW Marcher, LH Ebbesen, K Theilgaard-Mönch, P Møller, C Schöllkopf, C Torp-Pedersen9, TC El-Galaly, MT Severinsen. Accepted for publication. Clinical Epidemiology. 2021.
  40. Bipolar depression er en diagnostisk og behandlingsmæssig udfordring. S Straszek, RW Licht, RE Nielsen, M Vinberg. Accepted for publication. Ugeskrift for Læger. 2022.
  41. Mental Health Among Patients with non-Hodgkin Lymphoma: a Danish Nationwide Study of Psychotropic Drug Use in 8,750 Patients and 43,750 Matched Comparators. AK Øvlisen, LH Jakobsen, KH Kragholm, RE Nielsen, P de Nully Brown, RB Dahl-Sørensen, H Frederiksen, PL Josefsson, AL Al-Mashhadi, JM Jørgensen, A Dessau-Arp, MR Clausen, RS Pedersen, C Torp-Pedersen, MT Severinsen, TC El-Galaly. Accepted for publication. American Journal of Hematology. 2022.
  42. Characteristics prior to and at time of diagnosis in pediatric bipolar disorder. MF Laursen, CU Correll, RW Licht, M Rodrigo-Domingo, AK Pagsberg, RE Nielsen. Accepted for publication. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry. 2022.
  43. Association between polarity of first episode and solar insolation in bipolar I disorder. Accepted for publication. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 2022.
  44. Single-Dose Psilocybin for a Treatment Resistant Episode of Major Depression. GM Goodwin., ST Aaronson, O Alvarez, PC. Arden, A Baker, JC Bennett, C Bird, RE Blom, C Brennan, L Burke, D Brusch, K Campbell-Coker, R Carhart-Harris, J Cattell, A Daniel, C DeBattista, BW Dunlop, K Eisen, D Feifel, M Forbes, HM Haumann, DJ Hellerstein, AI Hoppe, MI Husain, LA Jelen, J Kamphuis, J Kawasaki, JR Kelly, RE Key, R Kishon, SK Peck, G Knight, MHB Koolen, M Lean, RW Licht, JL Maples-Keller, L Marwood, MC McElhiney, J Mars, TL Miller, A Mirow, S Mistry, T Mletzko-Crowe, LN Modlin, RE Nielsen, EM Nielson, SR Offerhaus, V O’Keane, T Páleníček, D Printz, MC Rademaker, A van Reemst, F Reinholdt, D Repantis, J Rucker, S Rudow, S Ruffell, AJ Rush, RA Schoevers, M Seynaeve, S Shao, JC Soares, M Somers, SC Stansfield, D Sterling, A Strockis, J Tsai, L Visser, M Wahba, S Williams, AH Young, P Ywema, S Zisook, E Malievskaia. New England Journal of Medicine. 2022. Accepted for publication.
  45. Letter to the editor: Letter of response to Nabi Z, Stansfeld J, Plöderl M, Wood L, Moncrieff J. Effects of lithium on suicide and suicidal behaviour: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised trials. Bschor T, Adli M, Alda M, Baethge C, Etain B, Glenn T, Grof P, Hajek T, Hayes J, Manchia M, Müller-Oerlinghausen B, Nielsen RE, Ritter P, Rybakowski JK, Sani G, Selo ML, Young AH, Tondo L. Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci. 2022 Sep 16;31:e65. doi: 10.1017/ S204579602200049X. Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci. 2022 Sep 16;31:e65. doi: 10.1017/S204579602200049X. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences 31, e84
  46. Lithium induced hypercalcemia: an expert opinion and management algorithm. Kovacs Z, Vestergaard P, Licht RW, Straszek SPV, Hansen AS, Young AH, Duffy A, Müller-Oerlinghausen B, Seemueller F, Sani G, Rubakowski J, Priller J, Kessing LV, Tondo L, Alda M, Manchia M, Grof P, Ritter P, Hajek T, Lewitzka U, Bergink V, Bauer M, Nielsen RE. International Journal of Bipolar Disorders, 2022. Accepted for publication.
  47. Exploratory study of ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation and age of onset of bipolar disorder. Michael Bauer, Tasha Glenn, Eric D. Achtyes, Martin Alda, Esen Agaoglu, Kürsat Altınbaş, Ole A. Andreassen, Elias Angelopoulos, Raffaella Ardau, Memduha Aydin, Yavuz Ayhan, Christopher Baethge, Rita Bauer, Bernhard T. Baune, Ceylan Balaban, Claudia Becerra-Palars, Aniruddh P. Behere, Prakash B. Behere, Habte Belete, Tilahun Belete, Gabriel Okawa Belizario, Frank Bellivier, Robert H. Belmaker, Francesco Benedetti, Michael Berk, Yuly Bersudsky, Şule Bicakci, Harriet Birabwa-Oketcho, Thomas D. Bjella, Conan Brady, Jorge Cabrera, Marco Cappucciati, Angela Marianne Paredes Castro, Wei-Ling Chen, Eric Y.W. Cheung, Silvia Chiesag, Marie Crowej, Alessandro Cuomo, Sara Dallaspezia, Maria Del Zompo, Pratikkumar Desai, Seetal Dodd, Bruno Etain, Andrea Fagiolini, Frederike T. Fellendorf, Ewa Ferensztajn-Rochowiak, Jess G. Fiedorowicz, Kostas N. Fountoulakis, Mark A. Frye, Pierre A. Geoffroy, Michael J. Gitlin, Ana Gonzalez-Pinto, John F. Gottlieb, Paul Grof, Bartholomeus C.M. Haarman, Hirohiko Harima, Mathias Hasse-Sousa, Chantal Henry, Lone Hoffding, Josselin Houenou, Massimiliano Imbesi, Erkki T. Isometsä, Maja Ivkovic, Sven Janno, Simon Johnsen, Flávio Kapczinski, Gregory N. Karakatsoulis, Mathias Kardell, Lars Vedel Kessing, Seong Jae Kim, Barbara König, Timur L. Kot, Michael Koval, Mauricio Kunz, Beny Lafer, Mikael Landén, Erik R. Larsen, Melanie Lenger, Rasmus W. Licht, Carlos Lopez-Jaramillo, Alan MacKenzie, Helle Østergaard Madsen, Simone Alberte Kongstad A. Madsen, Jayant Mahadevan, Agustine Mahardika, Mirko Manchia, Wendy Marsh, Monica Martinez-Cengotitabengoa, Julia Martini, Klaus Martiny, Yuki Mashima, Declan M. McLoughlin, Ybe Meesters, Ingrid Melle, Fátima Meza-Urzúa, Pavol Mikolas, Yee Ming Mok, Scott Monteith, Muthukumaran Moorthy, Gunnar Morken, Enrica Mosca, Anton A. Mozzhegorov, Rodrigo Munoz, Starlin V. Mythri, Fethi Nacef, Ravi K. Nadella, Takako Nakanotani, René Ernst Nielsen, Claire ODonovan, Adel Omrani, Yamima Osher, Uta Ouali, Maja Pantovic-Stefanovic, Pornjira Pariwatcharakul, Joanne Petite, Johannes Petzold, Andrea Pfennig, Yolanda Pica Ruiz, Marco Pinna, Maurizio Pompili, Richard J. Porter, Danilo Quiroz, Francisco Diego Rabelo-da-Ponte, Raj Ramesar, Natalie Rasgon, Woraphat Ratta-apha, Michaela Ratzenhofer, Maria Redahan, M.S. Reddy, Andreas Reif, Eva Z. Reininghaus, Jenny Gringer Richards, Philipp Ritter, Janusz K. Rybakowski, Leela Sathyaputri, Angela M. Scippa, Christian Simhandl, Daniel Smith, José Smith, Paul W. Stackhouse Jr., Dan J. Stein, Kellen Stilwell, Sergio Strejilevich, Kuan-Pin Su, Mythily Subramaniam, Ahmad Hatim Sulaiman, Kirsi Suominen, Andi J. Tanra, Yoshitaka Tatebayashi, Wen Lin Teh, Leonardo Tondo, Carla Torrent, Daniel Tuinstra, Takahito Uchida, Arne E. Vaaler, Eduard Vieta, Biju Viswanath, Maria Yoldi-Negrete, Oguz Kaan Yalcinkaya, Allan H. Young, Yosra Zgueb, Peter C. Whybrow. Accepted for publication. International Journal of Bipolar Disorders. 2023.
  48. Goodwin GM, Aaronson ST, Alvarez O, Atli M, Bennett JC, Croal M, DeBattista C, Dunlop BW, Feifel D, Hellerstein DJ, Husain MI, Kelly JR, Lennard-Jones MR, Licht RW, Marwood L, Mistry S, Páleniček T, Rediep O, Repantis D, Schoevers RA, Septimus B, Simmons HJ, Soares JC, Somers M, Stansfield SC, Stuart JR, Tadley HH, Thiara NK, Tsai J, Wahba M, Williams S, Winzer RI, Young AH, Young MB, Zisook S, Malievskaia E. Single-dose psilocybin for a treatment-resistant episode of major depression: Impact on patient-reported depression severity, anxiety, function, and quality of life. J Affect Disord 2023; 327: 120-127
  49. Nielsen RE, Licht W. The true effect of lithium is hard to determine. BJPsych Open 2023; 9(6):e187
  50. Commentary: Invited commentary to Professor Belmaker's Letter on Lithium Treatment for Bipolar Disorder. RW Licht, RE Nielsen. Bipolar Disorders. Accepted for publication 2023.
  51. Commentary: Subject: A Comment and Correction. RW Licht, RE Nielsen. Bipolar Disorders. Accepted for publication 2024.
  52. Differences in bacterial taxa between treatment-naive patients with major depressive disorder and non-affected controls may be related to a proinflammatory profile. J Knudsen, C Bundgaard-Nielsen, P Leutscher, S Hjerrild, RE Nielsen, S Sørensen. BMC Psychiatry. Accepted for publication. 2024.