Mixed methods methodology – mixed methods integration and writing a mixed methods paper

4-dages mixed methods workshop, hvor der er fokus på forskellige typer af integration af kvalitative og kvantitative data, samt hvordan man afrapporterer sine resultater i en mixed methods videnskabelig artikel.


Tuesday 26 August – Friday 29 August (4 days) (8:30 – 16:00)

After attending this workshop, the participants will be able to

After attending this course, participants will be able to:

1) understand strategies for mixed methods integration and analysis;
2) identify the appropriate procedures for integration of their qualitative and quantitative data, methods, or results on their design and phase of research;
3) write a detailed description of their integration and analysis approach;
4) develop a visual joint display to represent integration;
5) develop a plan for publishing multiple papers from a single mixed methods investigation;
6)organize the introduction, methods, results, and discussion according to mixed methods design;
7) incorporate rigorous mixed methods components and citations into their writing;
8)identify appropriate journals to disseminate their mixed methods research;
9) understand the manuscript submission process; and
10) present their project to the class and receive feedback.

To gain the most from the workshop, participants should expect to do assignments about one hour each day after the workshop!

Target audience

Target audience is researchers (i.e., postgrad, graduate students, post-doctoral researchers, and faculty) in healthcare or social sciences interested in designing mixed methods projects that integrate qualitative and quantitative data. Participants should bring their own qualitative and quantitative data to the workshop to work on mixed methods integration and analysis.



No. of participants

Max 12

Course leader

Timothy Guetterman, PhD, Associate Professor, Family Medicine, Michigan Mixed Methods Program, University of Michigan, USA

Course assistant

Rikke Jørgensen, PhD, Senior researcher, Associate Professor, Unit for Psychiatric Research, Aalborg University Hospital, Psychiatry. Department of Clinical Medicine, Aalborg University, Denmark




Early Bird before 25 April: DKK 4,600 + VAT including dinner Tuesday night.After 25 April: DKK 5,600 + VAT including dinner Tuesday night




Alle kursusdeltagere modtager kursusbevis. Alle kurser er med fremmøde, der er ingen online deltagelse

Vi udbyder også et kursus i Mixed methods methodology – designing and conducting a mixed methods study


Alle tilmeldinger skal ske til psykiatriskforskning@rn.dk senest den 11. juni 2025 (Early Bird senest den 25. april) med angivelse af, hvilket kursus du er interesseret i, navn, stillingsbetegnelse, fagtilhørsforhold, arbejdsadresse, telefonnummer og e-mail, hvorefter du vil få oplyst, om du er optaget på kurset samt praktiske forhold herunder betaling, der skal være foretaget inden 10. juli 2025. Ved afbud senest 1. august refunderes 50 % af kursusgebyret. Ved afbud efter det tidspunkt refunderes kursusgebyret ikke, men du må gerne overdrage din plads til en anden, hvis du giver besked herom.

I forbindelse med tilmelding til Aalborg Psychiatric Summer School vil vi opbevare og behandle dine oplysninger. Du kan finde vores persondatapolitik for sommerskoledeltagere her, eller du kan anmode om dokumentet via mail.


Psykiatrien, Aalborg Universitetshospital, Mølleparkvej 10, 9000 Aalborg.


Du skal selv bestille og betale for eventuel overnatning.


Aalborg Banegård ligger 15 minutters gang fra kursusstedet. Aalborg Lufthavn ligger 20 minutters kørsel fra kursusstedet, og der går bus og tog fra lufthavnen til banegården
