NIHR/MRC Framework for Developing and Evaluating Complex Interventions

Kurset er for dem med erfaring i komplekse interventioner, der ønsker at udvikle, evaluere og implementere sundheds- eller sociale forandringer


Wednesday 27 August – Friday 29 August (3 days) (9:00 – 16:00)

After attending this workshop, the participants will be able to

▶Have an awareness of the challenges and limitations of complex intervention research
▶Understand how to approach complex intervention research & the key overarching considerations.
▶Begin to see how you can apply the framework to your own complex intervention research.
▶Understand what resources/steps to use in developing a complex intervention
▶Know how to take forward an ‘identified’ intervention
▶Know how to develop a programme theory and make use of it throughout the research process
▶Understand what feasibility studies are and why they are important

▶Have learned how to approach designing a feasibility study
▶Understand how feasibility study findings can inform decision about next steps
▶Have some understanding of how to choose between evaluation approaches
▶Have an understanding of key methods/different types of economic evaluation
▶Be aware of framework checklist and how it can be applied
▶Understand the importance of considering Implementation throughout the phases of the framework and specifically at the Implementation Phase
▶Be aware of research questions and methods particularly relevant to a systems perspective.

Target audience

This course is for anyone interested in developing, evaluating and implementing interventions with the intention of positive health and/or social change. This could be academic or other researchers, practitioners, or others interested in implementing the best process for their intervention development or evaluation. Participants should have some familiarity with the framework for developing and evaluating interventions, and some experience of working with complex interventions.



No. of participants

Max 20

Course leaders

Professor Laurence Moore and Professor Sharon Simpson, University of Glasgow, co-authors of the NIHR/MRC Framework for Developing and Evaluating Complex Interventions


1 point


Early Bird before 25 April: DKK 3,600 + VAT including dinner Wednesday night. After 25 April: DKK 4,600 + VAT including dinner Wednesday night




Alle tilmeldinger skal ske til senest den 11. juni 2025 (Early Bird senest den 25. april) med angivelse af, hvilket kursus du er interesseret i, navn, stillingsbetegnelse, fagtilhørsforhold, arbejdsadresse, telefonnummer og e-mail, hvorefter du vil få oplyst, om du er optaget på kurset samt praktiske forhold herunder betaling, der skal være foretaget inden 10. juli 2025. Ved afbud senest 1. august refunderes 50 % af kursusgebyret. Ved afbud efter det tidspunkt refunderes kursusgebyret ikke, men du må gerne overdrage din plads til en anden, hvis du giver besked herom.

I forbindelse med tilmelding til Aalborg Psychiatric Summer School vil vi opbevare og behandle dine oplysninger. Du kan finde vores persondatapolitik for sommerskoledeltagere her, eller du kan anmode om dokumentet via mail.


Psykiatrien, Aalborg Universitetshospital, Mølleparkvej 10, 9000 Aalborg.


Du skal selv bestille og betale for eventuel overnatning.


Aalborg Banegård ligger 15 minutters gang fra kursusstedet. Aalborg Lufthavn ligger 20 minutters kørsel fra kursusstedet, og der går bus og tog fra lufthavnen til banegården
